
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Work It Out Wednesday: Taking Time

I need help. I admit it. The bf is constantly asking that I not work so much, but I can't help it; I am in a perpetual state of being behind. Don't know how that happens since I'm always working! While I have gotten better, I still find I can't quite stop checking emails when I'm off. That, of course, leads to my wanting to take care of whatever issue or question was detailed in the email, which, then, turns into several more responses and documentation. I'm stressed just typing this out!

This week, I requested Monday and Tuesday off for doctor appointments. Last week was very busy, so it felt good to not have to rush from work to the doctor's offices. But I still found myself working. How do I stop? Should I reward myself with a sticker for every hour I don't log on or check voice messages? At the end of the weekend, I could treat myself with a prize if I've collected enough stickers? I don't know but I have to stop. There is too much going on in my head. Monday night, I was so distracted as I rushed down the stairs into the basement, that I slipped and fell. Luckily, I am only sporting the beginnings of some nasty bruises and am a bit sore in certain places, but this mishap only illustrates that I am too busy rushing from place to place, activity to activity. 

Last week, I attended a work-related workshop that was inspiring, as I relayed here. It made me think about the journey I had started when I was younger: the journey of discovering what life had to offer- what I had to offer. Somehow, I veered off the path and wandered off. The workshop was the start of my re-thinking how I prioritized my time and this weekend added to my feelings. Sure, work is important and I pride myself on my work ethic; still, life is not all about work. It's about taking the time to stop and smell the flowers along the path, watch the sunset, go for walk, create something spectacular. 

Seen during walk along river
Yesterday, after my appointment, I went for a walk along the river. It was a beautiful day and I stopped to take pictures along the way and to listen to the rushing river. I want more days like that. Yes, I was up at midnight checking my emails, but I didn't log in the entire day. It was an amazing feeling. Plus, I was able to spend time writing, so that made me feel good.
Hayley during walk

cherry-scented stickers
I'm going to make it a point to take the signs- the workshop, falling down stairs- and slow down. Make time for the writing, creating, enjoying, seeing. Maybe I'll have to start with earning a sticker for every hour I don't work? I just got some Hello Kitty ones (they are scented). So even if I don't have any flowers to stop and smell, I can smell my stickers. :)

Are you finding yourself consumed by work duties? What do you do to ensure your time off is used effectively?

Happy Wednesday!

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