
Monday, June 20, 2011

Countdown to NYC

A week from today - Monday the 27th - I'll be getting on a train to NYC to attend the RWA National convention.  Although I feel overwhelmed thinking of all the necessary preparation involved, I'm extremely excited.

In January, I attended a "Cruise with your Muse" conference and it was so inspirational.  I came home so excited to write and had so many stories formulating in my mind.  I think I've been productive since January, with a completed YA paranormal book written and a romantic paranormal almost completed by myself and a co-writer, as well as a paranormal novella written (all are written, not published).  I am patting myself on the back for my writing accomplishments but now I'm in the position where I want to get my work published, I want to start writing new books, and I believe another inspirational conference will maintain my momentum.

Last week was the first week of summer with the kids home from school and one night, after my husband came home, I went to the library and wrote for several hours until the library closed.  Being there, without the distractions from home, was very beneficial.  Today I took all 3 boys to the doctor's office and while in the waiting room my 2 year old became very active (running around, yelling, laughing, etc - all mortifying behaviour) and as I was taking him outside to wait (my older boys stayed in the waiting room and alerted me when the nurse was ready for us) I met a friend and her baby as they were coming in.  I immediately said, "Can I switch kids with you?" because my 2 year old had me so embarrassed and upset.  But, we're home now, he's sleeping and viola, I'm on the computer enjoying this quiet time.

A week in NYC will be great - time to myself, time with my mom (whom I rarely get to see), and time to focus on my writing.  Yes, I'm excited and I'm excited too about the books I'll begin writing when I return.


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